Thanks, Vinnie

I had owned a cake shop for five years in New York, and I still see the same customers come in. Almost every day, I see someone whom I have remembered from the past, whether it was Mrs. Johannes Merriam and her two sons, Rico and Vinnie. Vinnie was special, in so many ways. He was very good at soccer, tennis, and basketball, but there's one thing that stood out from the rest.
He was a Satanist.
He was 14, who, unsurprisingly, was going through a phase. His mother, quickly explained to me, that every night before bed, he would write a poem for the demigod, and he would give Vinnie a response. But sadly, Vinnie found out his mother had done all the work, and he was mad. Very, very, mad. He was so mad that he did the unthinkable-
Summon Satan himself.
He drew the Star of Solomon on a piece of paper, put one of five candles at each of the points on the star, and for five of the candles, there was a sacrifice. Sadly, he sacrificed one of his poems that read;
They're why we think of you.
They think of you, sadly true.
They cry and scream, and say you did it,
But overall, they were having a fit.
You could be beautiful, you could be great,
But all the other people - just hate (you)
The boy was scared, but he know he was doing something for his lord. As soon as the poem touched the drawing, the drawing started to burn. It then erupted into a singe, therefore, it exploded into flames, oh, how the paper burned, yet nothing was harmed! Vinnie was not scared anymore.
He touched the paper, and his life was gone. He died on the 27th of February, of the year 2011. I was saddened to hear that Vinnie died trying. But all was wrong forgotten thirteen nights ago, when I was getting prepared for bed.
Now, this was before the Slender Man trials, and we were wide aware that Slender Man was a myth. But late that night, I heard vibrations outside. And, being the responsible man I was, I looked out the window. And all
Were two
Eyes, staring STRAIGHT AT ME!
I was shocked, at how much they looked like Vinnie's, but then the eyes turned into a head, and it was Vinnie's head! The rest of his body reassembled, into this black
murky figure, with an eye patch over where his left eye should be. And the shadows LEANED with him! I-I can explain!
"Sorry, but we're deeming you as insane." The black police officer said.
"We've had enough of your, ahem, Tomfoolery. We must assist you to the asylum."
"No!" I said. "This is the end. Thanks, Vinnie." Were my last words.